Utah Catholic Schools Thank Archbishop Wester for His Support and Time with Students

Friday, May. 29, 2015
Utah Catholic Schools Thank Archbishop Wester for His Support and Time with Students + Enlarge

There is one distinctive place in Tooele where Archbishop Wester’s influence will stand the test of time and forever change hearts and minds. Specifically, Saint Marguerite Catholic School is grateful to Archbishop Wester for consecrating the two phases of our newly constructed school, on Aug. 17, 2011 and Oct. 30, 2012, respectively. 
His prayerful support inspired generosity in our community, allowing us to have a complete Catholic elementary-middle school where only a preschool existed for more than 30 years. 
Our parish dream may now be realized: to strengthen the faith of our families and improve the academic success of our children in a state-of-the-art facility.   
May the Lord bless Archbishop Wester in his new ministry, as much as we thank him for bequeathing us a place for our children to learn, pray, grow and become strong in spirit.
Lorena Needham
St. Marguerite School

Dear Bishop Wester:
Your love for the young people in our diocese has been a true inspiration to witness. You speak to our students with such care and compassion, softness and watchfulness. Your touch amongst our students, whether through your voice, ideas or example, can best be described as gentle.
Thank you for the way you have led all of us, with your kindness and love.  
Wishing you His blessings as your journey continues,
Joanna Wheelton
Saint Joseph Catholic Schools

The students of Judge Memorial Catholic High School always eagerly anticipated a visit from Archbishop Wester to our school, and not just because he would give them a day off! Archbishop Wester took the time to share with our students stories of his own childhood, of his experiences teaching in San Francisco, and to offer advice and to answer their questions. 
While his schedule was exceptionally busy, Archbishop Wester slowed down to enjoy the time with the young people of our diocese and “to be present” with them. 
On behalf of all of us at Judge Memorial, and most especially our students, thank you, Archbishop Wester, for your willingness to teach us, to pray for us, and to celebrate with us. 
Kate Bills
Interim Principal
 Judge Memorial Catholic High School

In the days leading up to Archbishop Wester’s installation in Santa Fe, he was a very busy person. After all, the Vatican only gave him one month to vacate his office in Salt Lake City and move to Santa Fe. There was a lot to do in both cities and very little time to do it. So, in light of all this work, I was quite surprised when he granted an interview to one of our students at Juan Diego, freshman Rachel LaMelle.
He held the interview in his office on a Friday afternoon during a long day of details that would not end until much later that evening. Rachel was given 20 minutes to speak with the bishop, but emerged over an hour later feeling as if they were old friends, just catching up on each other’s lives and promising to meet again.
Much has been written about the national and local efforts that Archbishop Wester has led on behalf of the Catholic Church’s stance on immigration and technology. But what I have always admired about him is his commitment to Catholic education – not just on an administrative level, leading the 16 Catholic schools of our diocese – but personally, in how he relates to the students in our schools. 
I remember one year when he visited Juan Diego to say our annual opening school Mass and learned that one of the students had just been diagnosed with terminal bone cancer. The bishop asked to meet with the student and his parents to pray and counsel them over this terrible diagnosis, and he followed the boy’s progress for the next year, until he died. He did not forget and was never too busy to do the humane and personal thing as our bishop.
Archbishop Wester first gave his heart to the ministry of Catholic education when he was newly ordained and assigned to teach theology in a Catholic high school in San Francisco. I wonder if, when he finally retires from the administrative demands of serving the Church, he might return to his roots and go back to teaching students like Juan Diego’s Rachel, making them feel like life-long friends.
Dr. Gabriel Colosimo
 Juan Diego Catholic High School
We have many good memories of Archbishop Wester and his support of our Catholic schools.
He related so well with the students and whenever possible he met with them:  the 8th-grade Mass at the Cathedral of the Madeleine, the high school graduations, school Masses throughout the year and Skyping with the high schools, to mention a few.
Archbishop Wester was also great with our teachers and administrators: He celebrated Mass and gave the homily for professional development days, and he was there to celebrate with our Outstanding Employees each year at a special award dinner.
He supported our schools as they met financial challenges and called special committees to help solve the problems. Archbishop Wester was ahead of other dioceses when he changed the Parish Support policy so that ALL parishes support Catholic education, even some who do not have access to a Catholic school. This policy is spreading to other dioceses across the country now. 
We will miss Archbishop Wester and envy the Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe as they come to know him as a true friend of Catholic schools and a great supporter of Catholic education.
Sister Catherine Kamphaus, CSC
Sister Genevra Rolf, CSC
Associate Superintendent
Utah Catholic Schools 

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