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Relic stolen from the Cathedral of the Madeleine

Friday, Jul. 05, 2024
A reward of $1,000 is being offered for the return of the relic, or for information leading to its return. >>>

Roban Reliquia de la Catedral de la Magdalena

Friday, Jul. 05, 2024
Roban Reliquia de la Catedral de la Magdalena >>>

One priest, two deacons ordained for the Diocese of Salt Lake City

Friday, Jul. 05, 2024
Bishop Oscar A. Solis thanked the three men “for your commitment of love and service to God and to his Church. On behalf of the faithful our diocese, the people of God in Utah and the universal Church, we also thank your family, especially your spouses, for their support; your seminary formators and all who in one way or another helped you in your years of preparation.” >>>

Ordenan a un sacerdote y a dos diáconos para la Diócesis de Salt Lake City

Friday, Jul. 05, 2024
El Obispo Oscar A. Solis agradeció a los tres hombres “por su compromiso de amor y servicio a Dios y a su Iglesia. A nombre de los fieles de la diócesis, del Pueblo de  Dios en Utah y de la Iglesia universal, también agradezco a sus familias, y a las esposas de los diáconos por su apoyo. A sus maestros en el seminario y a todos los que en su camino los apoyaron en su preparación.” >>>

New chaplain for Utah’s Holy Cross Hospitals

Friday, Jul. 05, 2024
“I have long desired to touch humanity by caring for the sick and, by doing so, bringing relief to the needy children of God, and consequently bringing the divine mission of Christ to humanity.” - Father Gregory Ezeanya >>>

The day after ordination, Father Shumway celebrates Mass of Thanksgiving

Friday, Jul. 05, 2024
"I really appreciate you coming, having fun with me and praying with me, and just getting to enjoy today with me.” - Father Anthony Shumway >>>

Father Anthony Shumway

Friday, Jul. 05, 2024
Father Anthony Shumway >>>

Deacon Odilon Jesse Ricardez

Friday, Jul. 05, 2024
Deacon Odilon Jesse Ricardez >>>

Deacon Juan Biaggini Galarraga

Friday, Jul. 05, 2024
Deacon Juan Biaggini Galarraga >>>

Confirmation Celebration Shows Parish’s Cultural Diversity

Friday, Jul. 05, 2024
Confirmation Celebration Shows Parish’s Cultural Diversity >>>
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