Bishop Solis' Thanksgiving Message

Friday, Nov. 24, 2023
Bishop Solis' Thanksgiving Message + Enlarge
CNS photo/Michael Alexander, Georgia Bulletin
By The Most Rev. Oscar A. Solis
Bishop of Salt Lake City

Greetings of Christ’s peace and love! It is again the time of the year when our nation takes a holiday and pauses from our daily routine to celebrate the abundant blessings God continuously bestows upon us. Thanksgiving Day is a unique occasion when people of different faith affiliations gather to express their grateful appreciation to God, who is the source and fountain of all blessings. 
These days, our world is facing a crisis of violence in various parts of the world due to war, global displacement of migrants and refugees, political turmoil, poverty, injustices and natural calamities that bring horrendous suffering to the lives of our brothers and sisters. There are many distractions that take our focus away from what we have and enjoy in life. 
Amid the present chaos and our own personal concerns, it may be difficult to have the disposition of heart and attitude to be grateful. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that each of us is precious and matters in the heart of God. The Lord reminds us to “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:26). 
God never fails to manifest his abiding and saving presence with us, especially in the Holy Eucharist. Our faith in his infinite love and fidelity to his promise to be with us forever assures us that his grace abounds more every time we celebrate the Holy Mass. 
As we gather with our family and friends to celebrate this day, we should be mindful of every blessing we have received. Go to Mass and say “thank you” to our gracious God, who is the source of all our good gifts. Let us not forget to help others and pray for those who do not have the food and comforts we enjoy. Our prayers and acts of charity, no matter how small they may be, also are a blessing for them.
Thanksgiving Day is a great occasion to count our blessings and to pray. St. Therese of Lisieux said: “Prayer is an aspiration of the heart. It is a simple glance directed to heaven. It is a cry of gratitude and love amid trial as well as joy.” Let us give thanks and pray to the Lord, for he is good.
A happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day to you and those you love!

The Most Rev. Oscar A. Solis
Bishop of Salt Lake City

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